Thursday, January 22, 2009


laughing is seriously the best thing ever...and ironically todays post is about humor because for one, i need it today and two who doesnt like to laugh...

some modern ADHD humor like family guy/will ferrell ..i honestly find myself laughing at the one scene of the movie or show that NOT one other person is laughing at... example...this clip...pure genius

My mother took me to my friend Landon's birthday party when i was a little dude, and they had a clown perform. I was the only kid laughing the entire time. I remember being hysterical!! Simply going nuts at any little thing he did. The clown actually asked my mother if he could hire me to come to his gigs and just laugh!!

Stand up comedy has always been one of my favorites..gotta give much props to them. Geno Bisconte, a close friend, is a very talented comedy and knowing him has made me respect them that much more. One of my favorite stand up acts is Eddie Murphy..i really wish he would say f-disney pg movies and return to what he did best...

Growing up sunday nights use to be the best...the simpson and In Living Color. Every Monday i would goto school and i was seriously they only one who saw In Living Color because everyones parents would not let them watch it..I truly believe and give much credit to this show for developing my sense of humor to what it is now..

had to put up two on football because damon wayons and david allen grier ..amazing!!

butt out jeans...

this is part one of this post..tomorrow expect alot more laughs....

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